Roland Weiss



PDwrap is a small extension module for the documentation system ProgDoc by Volker Simonis. It is a rewrite of a similiar tool called pdlsthighlight with the aim of being configurable without changing the source code.

ProgDoc extracts parts of source listings written in arbitrary programming languages. The parts are delimited by comments. Out of the box, ProgDoc supports syntax highlighting of some popular programming languages in HTML and LaTeX. With PDwrap one can append and prepend text containing special command characters to text. My main usage is to wrap plain text listings in the LaTeX listings environment. Thus, one can achieve syntax highlighting for all the languages supported by the listings package in LaTeX documents. For an example of this technology, download the paper "Storing Properties in Grouped Tagged Tuples" from my publications section.

If you want to contribute xml configuration files with your own layout or translations of provided config files, feel free to contact me. Also, any suggestions for bug fixes or new features are welcome.
